In this work, Frank Oberüller investigates the discrepancy between profit optimal wind locations under a fixed feed-in tariff and the system optimal wind locations.
Current activities
Optimal Allocation of Variable Renewable Energy Considering Contributions to Security of Supply
This paper develops a new methodology to endogenously determine the capacity value of variable renewable energy generators in large-scale optimization models for electricity markets, which accounts for balancing effects due to the spatial distribution of generation capacities and system effects via interconnectors.
Twenty Years of European Wind Power Production - Balancing Effects in Europe with a Focus on Germany
How do extreme wind conditions affect the wind power production in Germany? How do the effects of climate change impact the energy generation in a long term perspective? Philipp Henckes, Andreas Knaut and Frank Obermüller answer to these questions by developing a new model.
What are the optimal conditions for renewable energies to compete in the energy market? Andreas Knaut and Frank Obermüller set-up a model that shed light on this problem.
An evaluation and post-processing of COSMO-reanalyses for renewable energy applications
Christopher Frank and his co-authors used COSMO-reanalyses to investigate the spatiotemporal variability, potential and availability of renewable energy sources.
Tender Frequency and Market Concentration in the Balancing Power Market – The Case of Germany
Andreas Knaut, Frank Obermüller, Florian Weiser developed a numerical model to quantify the possible effects of shorter tender frequencies on costs and market concentration.
The vertical structure of clouds and their interaction with solar radiation
By combining measurements of clouds and radiation at the Jülich Observatory for Cloud Evolution, Nils K üchler and his co-authors investigates which cloud types are the most important for solar energy applications.
Sara Dal Gesso and Roel Neggers developed a new method to study the cloud response to climate warming.
Andreas Knaut and Martin Paschmann derived a theoretical model depicting the price formation in two markets with different product granularity.
Reliability in Multi-regional Power Systems: Capacity Adequacy and the Role of Interconnectors
Motivated by the EU Commission´s requirement for member states to account for cross-border trade within capacity mechanisms, this work analyzes the contribution to reliability of interconnectors and variable renewable energies.
Retail Tariff Design in Electricity Markets with Variable Renewable Production
In this work of Andreas Knaut, a model for the calculation of capacity values in electricity systems is used to illustrate the advantages of regional cooperation.